


Megawattage's Electrifying
Online Transformation.


Megawattage, a leading name in industrial and commercial generator rentals, service, and sales, aspired to harness the digital realm to further expand their reach. Their objective was twofold: to enhance their digital presence and to generate high-quality, first-party leads that could be converted into lasting partnerships.


With an already established reputation in the industry, Megawattage’s challenge was not about introducing their brand but about connecting with a digital-savvy audience that prioritized uninterrupted power solutions. Given the potential of online platforms to reach and engage with this target group, a comprehensive and strategic digital campaign was deemed vital.


Google & Facebook Ads: Utilizing the power of precision targeting, we launched ad campaigns on both platforms, designed to resonate with industries in need of reliable power solutions..

Lead Generation Funnels: We meticulously developed digital funnels, ensuring that interested entities were smoothly transitioned from curiosity to conversion, yielding high-quality leads for Megawattage..

Video Content Creation: Our team orchestrated two distinct video projects: A showcase of Megawattage’s expansive facility and their state-of-the-art generators, giving potential clients a behind-the-scenes look into their operations. A value-driven video featuring the president, offering crucial insights on maintaining business continuity through dependable power solutions. .

Monthly Newsletters: To maintain engagement and foster trust, we curated monthly newsletters, updating subscribers about Megawattage's advancements, offerings, and industry insights


Megawattage witnessed a marked increase in brand visibility online, solidifying their position as industry leaders in the digital domain.

The Google and Facebook ads directly led to a surge in first-party lead generation, with a significant number transitioning into business collaborations.

The video content, especially the president's insights, bolstered Megawattage's image as not just a service provider, but a trusted industry advisor.

The newsletters effectively engaged subscribers, fostering loyalty and maintaining a consistent brand recall.

Megawattage’s digital transformation, under our guidance, ensured that they not only remained an industry leader but also set the benchmark for online engagement in the generator sector.

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